Careers Information

Woodhouse Sixth Form College is committed to outstanding career guidance. We pride ourselves on providing effective careers guidance that inspires students to make informed decisions regarding higher education, apprenticeships and employment. The College aims to help students to develop knowledge and understanding about the world of work and what employability skills are required in today’s society.

Student Entitlement

All students in the college will take part in courses that have CEIAG embedded in the programme, this will help them understand their career options and encourage them to reach their full potential in the progression to Higher Education or employment.

The programme will enable students to:

  • Develop the skills they need to plan and manage their own personal development
  • Experience the world of work through experiences of the workplace; work placement, insight event, volunteering, part time work or employer talks
  • Be given direct access to employers, training providers and Higher Education institutions
  • Identify their transferable skills required for the world of work and HE
  • Receive high quality face-to-face information, advice and guidance
  • Receive high quality resources that will help their career decision-making and planning
  • Be given personal support with their applications to HE or Employment
  • To feedback their views on the quality of the careers programme

More details about our career support programme and how we meet the Gatsby Benchmarks (the recognised framework for good career guidance) can be found in the downloadable document below.

Career Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy and programme (CEIAG) 2023-2025 - (Pdf)


This is a one-stop careers and progression platform that helps students with the whole progression process from exploring and developing your skills and interests, researching and comparing universities and courses and finding apprenticeship vacancies. Here students can also find and complete super curricular activities, build CVs and personal statements and record activities. All students will register their Unifrog account during tutorial in the first term at Woodhouse. We have also set up a parent login so that parents/carers can use Unifrog in student mode, to encourage extra support at home.

If you haven’t yet set up an account, the parent code is 'COEYParents'

Video: Here’s a short introduction to Unifrog for parents

Powerpoint presentation: Here’s an introduction to Unifrog for Woodhouse parents

If you are having trouble logging back into your account or have forgotten your password, head to the sign in page and click on 'resend welcome email'. If you experience any other problems with Unifrog, email for support.

Events for parents

We deliver several events and support sessions for parents over the two years. See below for more information. Parents will be emailed information prior to each event.






Year 12 parents

Introduction to Unifrog and work experience

October 2024

Online webinar

Year 12 parents (and students)

Careers Insight evening

October 2024

At Woodhouse College

Year 12 parents

Introduction to UCAS

May 2025

Online webinar

Year 12 and year 13 parents

Apprenticeships for parents

October 2024

Online webinar

Year 13 parents

Student finance

March 2025

Online webinar

Year 13 parents

Clearing advice and support

July 2025

Online webinar


Work experience

We encourage all students to find work experience placements at some time during year 12. We recommend the following dates as good times to find a placement: February half term, W/c 17th June (2025) when students are not in college or any time during the summer holidays.

In most circumstances we will allow students time out of college to take a work experience but this must be discussed with students’ tutor and signed off before they accept w/ex and they must let attendance and their subject teachers know in advance.

Students are supported and encouraged to find their own placements. We will identify and support students further who have difficulties in finding placements by matching them with opportunities where possible.

Work experience includes work place visits, volunteering, virtual work experience and work shadowing and can be for any length of time.

Logging work experience - Work experience has to be logged on Unifrog (Unifrog placements). If you have completed a volunteering experience or virtual w/ex or shadowing, it should be logged in ‘Activites’ on Woodle. For information on how to log work experience, visit Careers SharePoint/ Work experience

How to find placements - We regularly send students information about work experience placements and workplace visits. To ensure you receive this information:

  • Make sure you have registered your interests in Woodle/ Careers interests
  • Read the fortnightly Careers Newsletter (sent out via email or available on Careers SharePoint)
  • To help students find placements we run regular workshops throughout the year on CV and cover letter writing/finding placements and using social media.
  • Drop in to see Ms Adesanya about work experience or arrange a time by emailing

Useful links:

The Forage
Young Professionals

Woodhouse Destinations

Destinations 2024

  • 33 students have Oxbridge places 
  • 60% of the university cohort at Russell Group Universities
  • 25 are reading medicine, veterinary medicine or dentistry

Top 10 institutions:


University of Bristol


University of Nottingham


King's College London


Queen Mary University of London 


University of Manchester


City, University of London 


UCL (University College London)




University of Birmingham


University of Cambridge 

Most popular subjects








Computer Science 




Biomedical Sciences 

Mechanical Engineering 


Degree and Higher level apprenticeships and employment

Year 12 students can opt to attend talks and workshops about apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships during Introduction to HE day (November) and UCAS week (May).

Students in year 13 are invited to attend regular workshops around apprenticeships and the application process. This includes CV writing and application support sessions, workplace visits, mock assessment days and mock interviews. Students in Lower 6 who are considering an apprenticeship should arrange a careers meeting to discuss your interest and aspirations with Rachel Foster. Information about apprenticeships and application support can be found on Careers SharePoint.

Last year Woodhouse students secured degree and higher-level apprenticeships at: 
HSBC - Cooperate Client Service Associate 
Amazon - Marketing 
Accenture - Tech 
WTW (Willis Towers Watson) - Insurance Broking 
Taylor Woodrow - Quantity Surveying
BKL - Accountancy 
BKL - Tax and Auditing  

Useful links:
Apprenticeships resource hub (gov)
Amazing apprenticeships parents zone
Rate My Apprenticeship - Guide for parents
Success at School - parent guide

More details about our career support programme and how we meet the Gatsby Benchmarks (the recognised framework for good career guidance) can be found in the downloadable document below.

Career Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy and programme (CEIAG) 2023-2025 - (Pdf)