Digital Prospectus
Digital Prospectus
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Student Bulletin 10 February 2025
Our ethos and values
Apply online: Year 12 entry
How to find us
A guide to being the parent of an A level student
About us
About us
Term dates
- Term dates 2024-25
Our Principal
Our ethos and values
Our policies
Exam results
- Exam results 2024
- Exam results 2023
- Exam results 2022
- Exam results 2021
- Exam results 2020
- Exam results 2019
- Exam results 2018
- Exam results 2017
Equality, diversity & inclusion (EDI)
Ofsted report
Oxbridge support
Performance tables
Opportunities to visit us
Facility time
Speakers Corner
How to find us
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A level courses
What can I study?
Progression from year 12 to year 13
Woodhouse Plus
Important dates
Apply online: Year 12 entry
Year 12 entry criteria
Admissions policy
Eligibility Funding Criteria
A level subject requirements
Frequently asked questions
A level Art: Observational Drawing Guidelines
Additional learning support - ALS
Overseas qualifications
Login to your application
Exam retakes
Academic Support Stages
Financial assistance
- UCAS predicted grade policy
- Ex-Student: UCAS Application Guidelines
Skills To Thrive
Careers support
Student code of conduct
Fitness to study policy
Cashless catering online payments
Career Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy
Support and disciplinary stages
Student absence from college
Contacts at college
Financial assistance
Academic Support Stages
Student code of conduct
Careers information
Applying to university
Career Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy
Parental Consent for Short Duration Local Visits
Fitness to study policy
A guide to being the parent of an A level student
Office 365 / Email
Portal registers
Online payments
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Contact us
Old Woodhouseians FC
The role of the Personal Tutor
L6 induction takes place over your first two days at Woodhouse. You will meet your tutor who will be with you during your two years at the College. They are your first point of call if you need help or support, or if you just need someone to talk to. You will meet with them for weekly group sessions and one-to-onesto discuss how you are, your progress, what it means to be an independent learner and how to develop the mindset and habits needed for A level success.Your tutor will also make sure you receive help and guidance so that you can make the very best of your time at Woodhouse. They will also help you set and review targets and build your portfolio of skills ready for life after Woodhouse.
Personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
The PSHE & RSE curriculum at Woodhouse aims to support learners to develop their knowledge and skills beyond the purely academic. We see PSHE& RSE as a college subject through which students develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to manage their lives, stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work.
We aim to engage students in tutorial sessions which are cognitively challenging and stimulating and which encourage them to think critically about their own lives and values and wider society.
We aim to equip our young people so that they can overcome barriers and challenge prejudice and discrimination when they encounter them. Students are taught to respect and value diversity within society, show respect for and appreciation of their own and other cultures, and demonstrate sensitivity and tolerance to those from different backgrounds and traditions. They are also encouraged to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative and understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of others.
We align our pastoral curriculum with the PSHE Association’s three core themes of:
H1) Health and Wellbeing
R1) Relationships and Sex Education
L1) Living in the Wider World (which includes careers)
In addition, we include sessions which cover aspects of:
Current affairs
Critical thinking
Celebration of cultures
Through tutorials we seek to develop these three essential skills:
Intrapersonal skills required for self-management.
Interpersonal skills required for positive relationships in a wide variety of settings.
Skills of enquiry
Skills to thrive are a key part of our college mission and we use PSHE & RSE lessons to focus students on developing these essential skills.
The majority of PSHE sessions are delivered by the tutor in the weekly one-hour tutorial slot however where possible we also invite experts to deliver sessions. For example, all L6 students attend an assembly about online safety and managing risk with the Borough Prevent Education Advisor, consent and on managing stress and anxiety led by the NHS Let’s Talk service. We also use the Brook PSHE resources to ensure tutorials covering RSE themes draw on the best expert advice and guidance. During the two years all students will deliver at least two student led tutorials on relevant themes and students are involved in producing tutorials for Black History Month, Pride Month and Holocaust Memorial Day amongst other key dates to mark, celebrate or commemorate. We place an emphasis on active learning methodologies such as including students in discussions, brainstorming, quizzes, case studies, research, and reflection.
In addition to the weekly tutorials, students have two whole afternoon sessions with a focus on Health & Wellbeing and Communication Skills.
Exam retakes
Academic Support Stages
Financial assistance
UCAS predicted grade policy
Ex-Student: UCAS Application Guidelines
Skills To Thrive
Careers support
Student code of conduct
Fitness to study policy
Cashless catering online payments
Career Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy
Support and disciplinary stages