Student Attendance and Authorising Absence

The College Code of Conduct for Students, which parents sign, stipulates that we expect students to attend and be punctual for all lessons, tutorials, daily registrations, recreational activities and any other College commitments.
The College operates an electronic registration system for all timetabled lessons and tutorials which enables us to track, monitor and report on student punctuality and attendance very accurately.
The College has to report the weekly attendance and punctuality of all students claiming the Bursary Fund.  The College also provides a statistical profile of student attendance, with a commentary where appropriate, on all UCAS references.
We recognise that there will be times when absence is unavoidable.  On occasions when an unforeseen absence occurs please ensure that the College's Attendance Office is contacted by 9.30am on the first day of the absence to inform us of the reason for the absence.
The number to contact is 020 8492 8250 (a voicemail facility is in operation) - please speak slowly and clearly giving student name, student ID number, the name of the Personal Tutor and the reason for the absence.
Alternatively you can email the College on If you are unable to make the initial contact personally, please will you authorise the absence by letter which your son/daughter can give to their Personal Tutor on their return.

If an absence is planned please ensure that the College is informed in advance.

Please use this form - Advanced Request for Leave of Absence - (Pdf)
We very strongly urge you not to arrange holidays in term-time and request that, whenever possible, appointments with doctors and dentists are made outside the College hours of 9.00am - 4.30pm.
All Student Reports include attendance and punctuality statistics.