16-19 Tuition fund

The College has been awarded funds for eligible students to provide ‘catch-up’ tuition following the lockdowns and other disruption to education in recent years.
The causes of disruption for students include closure of the College, remote learning, student and teacher absence due to Covid-19, failure or absence of necessary technology and the secondary effects of lockdown such as raised anxiety or family issues. All learning was affected to some degree but the learning of some academic, practical and social skills was impeded in particular. These issues have impacted upon students’ learning both during their time at Woodhouse and in our students’ former schools. Nationally, there is a concern that some of these issues have hit vulnerable and disadvantaged students more severely and that, in addition, many students in these groups find it harder to recover from their effects.
The catch-up funding is awarded to go some way towards this mitigation.At Woodhouse, the primary uses of this funding are outlined below and it will be made from the College’s existing staff. Because of the specialist nature of our provision, it may not be possible to provide the volume of tuition in every subject to the level required. Within the group of students to whom this funding applies, priority will be given to those whose needs are greatest based on the professional views of their teachers and relevant assessment results.
The programme, participation and the relative needs of students will be regularly reviewed to ensure that the impact of the funding is optimised.



Small group or 1:1 tuition

Jan. to April 2022


Supplementary classes for small groups of students (up to 5) will be provided.

The content of sessions will be decided at department level but will include bespoke sessions on:

· General academic skills

· Subject skills

· Subject knowledge and understanding

· The application of learning to unfamiliar contexts

· The exam rubric and assessment objectives

· Wider reading, research and the culture of the discipline 

It is envisaged that the bulk of the funding will be used for this provision which will take place before and after the normal college day.

Holiday tuition

Feb. & April 2022 

‘Holiday’ schools will run in the February half term and Easter holidays to provide intensive tuition for targeted students. This will cover similar aspects to those bulleted above.


Organise tuition

Jan. to April 2022

We will appoint a member of staff to co-ordinate, publicise and oversee the tuition programme provided as well as the appropriate identification of students who will most benefit.